Educational farm
Getting to know nature
Surrounded by greenery and with a large court of animals, The Il Lillastro educational farm figures within the new Network of Educational Farms of the Tuscany Region.
Established in 2004 with the “Scuola in Fattoria”, the project is supported by the Region of Tuscany and the Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori; over the years there have been many itineraries created for families but also for schools of all levels.
You can reserve a snack or dinner to follow and, when possible, also request one of the workshops designed for the whole family where you can discover all the know-how of farm life on the farm!
Reservations are required to participate.
- May 1 to 31 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. farm tour with snack (upon request at extra cost) to follow!
- From June 1 to September 30, the farm tour is from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
For reservations
call Elena at +39 339 8033667 or send an email.
Summer Center
Bread trail
Period: all year round Minimum 8 people
Cost: €15
Duration: about 3 hours
Starting with wheat, everyone will make their own bread to take home.
Cheese trail
Period: all year round
Minimum 8 people
Cost: €15
Duration: about 3 hours
According to the directions,everyone will make their own wheel of cheese to take home.
Olive harvest
Period: October, November
Minimum 8 people
Cost: €15
Duration: one morning
Each person will participate in the olive harvest according to their ability. At the end they will be given a small bottle of oil from our production.
Minimum 8 people
Cost: €15
Duration: about 3 hours
Each person will be able to learn how to plant fruit and vegetables in the garden and recognize edible native plants that can be picked during the trail.
Minimum 6 people
Cost: €15
Duration: about 2 hours
At Il Lillastro the preparation of homemade jam or fruit juices is part of the tradition. The abundance of fruit is turned into delicious jams or juices. At the end each participant will have their own jar of seasonal fruit jam.
Minimum 6 people
Cost: €15
Duration: about 2 hours
Tomato sauce or peeled tomatoes are an important resource throughout the year.
However, it is prepared only at a specific time when the tomatoes reach full ripeness.
Weekly enrollment
Is there a time for children to enter and exit?
L’orario in cui è disponibile il servizio è: 8.00-15.00. All’ interno di questo arco di tempo i genitori possono portare e riprendere i bambini a piacimento. Le attività e i laboratori iniziano intorno alle 9.30 e la pausa pranzo inizia intorno alle 12.30 e finisce alle 13.30. Qualora un genitore abbia esigenze che vanno al di fuori della fascia 8/15 può comunicarlo anticipatamente per andare incontro all’esigenza specifica.
Is there a pool available?
Al Lillastro c’è una piscina mobile che i bambini possono usare per rinfrescarsi nelle ore più calde.
What age group can participate?
Dai 6 anni in su.
What should children bring in their backpacks and what is it best for them to wear?
Borraccia per l’acqua, cappello per il sole, crema solare, ciabatte, costume, telo da mare. Per l’abbigliamento sono consigliate scarpe chiuse (ginnastica/trekking) per svolgere le attività a contatto con gli animali o dove si deve camminare di più; le ciabattine saranno utili per stare in relax nel parco giochi o dopo il bagno in piscina.
When should payment be made?
Ad inizio settimana il lunedì mattina, ovvero il primo giorno d’ingresso in fattoria.
What activities are planned for schools?
Tutti i laboratori proposti dal Lillastro posso essere adatti alle scuole. Consulta tutte le attività alla voce ‘Laboratori’
How many workshops can be done in one day?
Nell’arco della stessa giornata è possibile svolgere un solo laboratorio.
What are the times and ways to organize the educational outing?
Le attività scolastiche possono essere svolte in mezza giornata con orario 8.30/12.30 o durante l’intera giornata con pranzo al sacco e in orario 8.30/15.00
Is there a maximum number of children to carry out the activities?
Sì, per poter svolgere le attività con i tempi giusti e in serenità l’ideale è ospitare una classe per volta. Qualora per altre esigenze si debba organizzare l’uscita con più classi alla volta, il tetto massimo è 40 bambini.
Book workshop
Fill out the form below to book at our facility and you will receive a confirmation e-mail as soon as possible.
Warning. The form below is not an automatic reservation, in case of non-delivery by email please check your Spam inbox or contact us by phone.
Come and discover the Lillastro!